Adolescent Scoliosis Management

Girl with scoliosis
Early Detection & Comprehensive Care

Conquering Adolescent Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a condition characterized by an abnormal curve in the spine, most commonly diagnosed during adolescence. Early detection plays a crucial role in effective management and preventing further progression.

Special For Schools

Free Scoliosis Screening

Schools are encouraged to invite us to conduct comprehensive scoliosis screenings for students at no cost. These screenings can help detect scoliosis at an early stage and ensure swift and effective treatment to prevent complications that could interfere with a child’s physical development and overall health.

Uncommon Scoliosis Results: Next Steps

Following our complimentary scoliosis screenings in schools, we have identified several instances of spinal curvature deviations from the norm among students. Paramount steps are being taken to offer comprehensive diagnostic evaluations and channel appropriate treatment plans to ensure optimal spinal health and growth.

Examining x-ray. Young serious asian woman standing indoors

Request for an Xray

An x-ray can confirm a scoliosis diagnosis and give us further insight into the severity and type of curve.

Doctor showing x-ray result to patient in clinic.

Refer for an Orthopedic Consult

If needed, a referral to an orthopedic specialist will provide expert guidance on the best course of action to manage and treat the condition.

Consider Bracing

Depending on the child's age and the curve's severity, a brace may be recommended to help slow the progression of scoliosis.

Plan Treatment using the Schroth Method

This is a specialized physical therapy approach specifically for individuals with scoliosis. It involves exercises designed to improve posture, muscular balance, and lung function.

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Miri, Sarawak